Apartmaji v Funtani pri Poreču, Hrvaška
Turistični kompleks apartmajskih sob s kopalnico in dvostanovanjska hiša nedaleč…
Na prijetni in mirni lokaciji na Ilovki pri Kranju posredujemo pri prodaji luksuzne hiše z bazenom in poslovno stavbo.
English description below!
SPLOŠNO – Hiša s poslovno ločeno stavbo in ogrevanim bazenom stoji na zemljišču velikosti 989 m2. Zgrajena je bila leta 2013. Pred tem je bila na območju starejša zgradba, ki se je razen kleti v celoti odstranila. Podkleteno je torej večje območje pod poslovnim prostorom in dovozom z nadstreškom. Hiša je klasične gradnje in je mansardna. Slednji del je prostorsko premišljeno projektiran in ponuja popolnoma ločeno stanovanje, saj so prisotni popolnom vsi priključki, potrebni za izvedbo kuhinje in kopalnice. Trenutno so v mansardnem delu otroške sobe. Okna so troslojna. Izolacija fasade je debeline 15cm, strehe v mansardi pa 35cm. Tlak je keramika. Gradbeno dovoljenje je, uporabno dovoljenje v postopku pridobivanja.
POSLOVNI OBJEKT – je ločena zgradba pred hišo in tik ob dovozu. Ima ločen vhod v stavbo kot tudi v prostoren kletni predel, kateri ponuja idealno priložnost skladiščenja. Poslovna stavba skupaj sprostori in WCjem izrazito ustreza družini, ki dopušča delo od doma ali domače podjetje.
Neto tlorisna površina: 81,74m2. Uporabna površina: 38,07m2. Klet 50,43m2.
HIŠA – PROSTORSKA RAZPOREDITEV – Prostore v hiši povezujeta dva večja hodnika (pritličje in mansarda), ki sta medsebojno povezana s stopniščem. Iz hodnika v pritličju se dostopa v sobo za goste, WC, spalnico s svojo kopalnico ter večji bivalni proctor s kuhinjo, jedilnico in dnevnim prostorom. Iz omenjenega prostora se dostopa do zunanje pokrite terase in letne kuhinje ter seveda zelenice z ogrevanim bazenom s slano vodo.
Neto tlorisna površina: 98,53m2. Uporabna površina: 92,33m2
MANSARDA – mansardni hodnik proti zahodu void v večji prostor, kateri iam vse priklope za morebitno bodočo montažo kuhinje z jedilnico ter Dnevni prostorom. Iz prostora se dostopa na velik balkonom. V nasprtotni smeri so preostale sobe s kopalnico, ki pa ni izdelana.
Neto tlorisna površina: 105,02m2. Uporabna površina: 83,30m2.
Bivalni del – Neto tlorisna: 203,55m2, uporabna površina: 175,63m2.
Poslovni objekt – Neto tlorisna: 132,17m2, uporabna površina: 88,5m2.
OGREVANJE/HLAJENJE – ogrevanje se izvaja preko klasičnega talnega ogrevanja s tolpotno črpalko moči 12,5kW. Hlajenje izključno preko klimatske naprave.
KOMUNIKACIJA – v tem območju ni optike, do interenta se dostopa preko telekom kabla. Televizijski programi preko satelitske antene.
BAZEN – bazen je diemnzij 7,5m x 3,5m in je ogrevan ter vsebuje slano vodo. Je klasične gradnje (ni poliesterski). Ima opcijo dnevnega zapiranja za preprečevanje prepogostega čiščenja.
LETNA KUHINJA – kakor vsa hiša je tudi ta segment izdelan izredno kvalitetno z granitnim pultom, lava žarom na plin in krušno peč za peko pizz. Prekrasen pogled na teraso in bazen.
PARKIRIŠČE – dovoz direktno s ceste po nadstrešek, kjer je prostora za vsaj 3 osebne avtomobile. Ob nadstreški po potrebi za dodatno dve vozili.
INFRASTRUKTURA – Zaradi idealne lege je dostop do glavnih vpadnic dokaj enostaven in hiter. Trgovski center je oddaljen le nekaj minut.
PRAVNO STANJE – Vpisano v ZK, brez bremen.
DRUGO – Hiša se prodaja popolnoma opremljena.
DODATNI POGOJI – Za delno povračilo stroškov posredovanja kupec prevzame plačilo DPN.
GENERAL – The house with a separate commercial building and a heated swimming pool is situated on a plot of 989 m2. It was built in 2013. Previously there was an older building on the site, which was completely removed except for the basement. The basement is therefore a larger area under the office space and driveway with a carport. The house is of classical construction and has a mansard roof. The latter part has been thoughtfully designed and offers a completely separate apartment, as all the connections necessary for the kitchen and bathroom are present. Currently, there are children’s rooms in the attic part. The windows are triple-glazed. The insulation of the facade is 15cm thick and of the roof in the attic is 35cm. The flooring is ceramic. A building permit is in place, use permit is in the process of being obtained.
BUSINESS PREMISES – there is a separate building in front of the house and next to the driveway. It has a separate entrance to the building as well as to the spacious basement area which offers an ideal storage opportunity. The office building together with the relaxation and WC area distinctly suits a family allowing work from home or home business.
Net floor area: 81,74m2. Usable floor area: 38,07m2. Basement: 50,43m2.
HOUSE SPACIAL DISTRIBUTION – The rooms of the house are connected by two larger corridors (ground floor and attic), which are interconnected by a staircase. From the corridor on the ground floor, there is access to the guest room, toilet, bedroom with en-suite bathroom, and a larger living proctor with kitchen, dining room, and living room. From the aforementioned space, there is access to the outdoor covered terrace, the summer kitchen and, of course, the lawn with the heated saltwater swimming pool.
Net floor area: 98,53m2. Usable floor area: 92,33m2.
MANSARD – The attic corridor to the west leads into a larger room, which has all the connections for the possible future installation of a kitchen with a dining room and living room. From the room, there is access to a large balcony. In the opposite direction are the remaining rooms with a bathroom, which is not constructed.
Net floor area: 105,02m2. Usable floor area: 83,30m2.
HEATING/COOLING – underfloor heating with a 12,5kW heat pump. Cooling is via air conditioning only.
COMMUNICATION – there is no fiber optic in this area, the internet is accessed via a telecom cable. Television channels via satellite dish.
POOL – The pool is 7.5m x 3.5m and is heated and contains salt water. It is of classic construction (not polyester). It has the option of daily closure to prevent too frequent cleaning.
SUMMER KITCHEN – like the rest of the house, this segment is made to an extremely high quality with granite worktops, a lava gas grill and a wood-fired oven for cooking pizzas. Beautiful view of the terrace and the pool.
PARKING – access directly from the road through the carport, where there is space for at least 3 cars. Next to the carport if necessary for two additional vehicles.
INFRASTRUCTURE – Due to the ideal location, access to the main roads is fairly easy and fast. The shopping centre is only a few minutes away.
LEGAL STATUS – Registered in the Commercial Register, free of encumbrances.
OTHER – The house is sold fully furnished.
ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS – In order to partially reimburse the costs of the mediation, the buyer assumes the payment of the DPN.
Turistični kompleks apartmajskih sob s kopalnico in dvostanovanjska hiša nedaleč…
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