Bornova pristava
Zgodovinska Bornova Pristava – Investicijska priložnost! Na voljo je Bornova…
V Zabrdu nedaleč stran od Sorice, v Škofjeloškem hribovju, pod Ratitovcem, sredi neokrnjene narave, stara kamnita hiša z ogromnim skednjem naprodaj.
In Zabrdo, not far from village Sorica, in the Škofjeloško hills, below Ratitovec, in the middle of unspoilt nature, an old stone house with a huge barn for sale
SPLOŠNO – v izjemno prelepi in mirni vasi Zabrdo v Škofjeloškem hribovju posredujemo pri prodaji večje kamnite hiše. Hiša se nahaja v eni izmed zadnjih vasi pod travnatim slemenom Ratitovec z znanimi pohodniškimi vrhovi in Krekovo kočo.
(EN) GENERAL – in the extremely beautiful and peaceful village of Zabrdo in the Škofjeloško hribovje (hills) there is a large stone house for sale. The house is located in one of the last villages under the grassy ridge of Ratitovec with its famous hiking peaks and the Krekova cottage.
O HIŠI – Hiša je bila zgrajena pred letom 1900 in je klasične tedanje gradnje iz kamna. Zunanje stene so posledično debele do 90 cm. Hiša je bila v preteklih letih obnovljena vendar le strukturno. Zamenjana je bila streha ter obnovljena fasada. Okna so prvotna. Hiša skupaj s skednjem leži na parceli velikosti 442 m2 ob katerem je zemljišče v velikosti 884 m2. Skupaj 1326 m2.
(EN) ABOUT THE HOUSE – The house was built before 1900 and is of classic stone construction of the time. The outer walls are consequently up to 90 cm thick. The house has been renovated over the years but only structurally. The roof has been replaced and the façade restored. The windows are original. The house together with the barn is situated on a plot of 442 m2 with an adjacent plot of 884 m2. Total 1326 m2.
NOTRANJOST – nespremenjena, prvotna in je potrebna korenite obnove. Prostori se razprostirajo v trenutno dveh etažah (pritličje in prvo nadstropje), mansarda pa je v celoti neizkoriščena.
(EN) INTERIOR – unchanged, original, and in need of major renovation. The premises are currently spread over two floors (the ground floor and first floor) and the attic is completely unused.
PRITLIČJE – večji hodnik ki združuje vse protore ter stopnišče v višjo etažo. Iz hodnika torej kuhinja ter večja soba, ter dva manjša prostora (kleti). V večjem sobi je velika krušna peč, ki je še delujoča.
(EN) GROUND FLOOR – larger corridor connecting all the protores and staircase to the upper floor. From the corridor there is a kitchen and a larger room, and two smaller rooms (cellars). In the larger room there is a large wood-burning stove, which is still working.
PRVO NADSTROPJE – večji predprostor, ki vodi v vse ostale prostore ter v mansardo. Velika spalnica, zopet dve manjši sobi ter kopalnica, ki pa vodi v manjšo spalnico.
(EN) FIRST FLOOR – larger entrance hall leading to all the other rooms and to the attic. Large bedroom, again two smaller rooms and a bathroom, which leads to a smaller bedroom.
MANSARDA – pohodna mansarda z razmeroma visokim slemenom, ponuja izvedbo dodatnega ločenega večjega stanovanja z lastnim vhodom s ceste.
(EN) ATTICK – a walk-up attic with a relatively high ridge, offers the possibility of an additional separate larger apartment with its own entrance from the road.
INFRASTRUKTURA – v hiši je elektrika, voda (skupno zajetje vasi) in OPTIKA. Greznica je pretočna, stara. Do hiše vodi asfaltna cesta, ki je odsekoma(2x) makedamska (krajši deli).
(EN) INFRASTRUCTURE – the house has electricity, water (common village intake) and optics. The septic tank is old and flowing. The house is accessed by an asphalt road, which is macadam in parts (2x) (shorter parts).
SKEDENJ/HLEV – Poleg hiše stoji večji skedenj (večji kot hiša sama) zgrajen pred letom 1800, kjer so v kletni etaži v preteklosti imeli hlev ter domače živali (predvsem ovce). Kletni del je kamnite gradnje, zgornji v celoti lesen. Leseni del je ogromen (visoko sleme) in zopet ponuja različne izvedbe dodatnega bivališča. Streha je prvotna in ima prvo kritino – skrilavec. Potreben korenite prenove. V skrajno južnem delu skednja se nahaja večji čebelnjak, ki pa žal ni več v uporabi.
(EN) BARN/BARN – Next to the house there is a bigger barn (bigger than the house itself) built before 1800, where in the past they had a barn and domestic animals (mainly sheep) in the basement. The basement part is of stone construction, the upper part is entirely wooden. The wooden part is huge (high ridge) and again offers different designs for additional accommodation. The roof is original and has a first roofing – slate. In need of radical renovation. In the southernmost part of the barn, there is a larger beehive, which is unfortunately no longer in use.
DODATNO – v kolikor bi se izkazal interes za dodatno zemljišče, je moč odkupiti sosednje zemljišče v velikosti 1400 m2.
(EN) ADDITIONAL – if there is interest in additional land, the adjacent land of 1400 m2 can be purchased.
LOKACIJA /ODDALJENOST – Soriška planina (smučišče): 16min (avto), Trgovina: 17min (avto), OŠ Železniki PŠ Sorica: 13min (avto), Bencinska črpalka: 29min (avto), Škofja Loka: 46 min (avto), Ratitovec – Krekova koča: 45min (peš)
(EN) LOCATION / DISTANCE – Soriška planina (ski resort): 16min (car), Grocery: 17min (car), Železniki Primary School Sorica: 13min (car), Petrol station: 29min (car), Škofja Loka: 46min (car), Ratitovec – Krek’s cottage: 45min (on foot)
V želji po zmanjšanju stroškov pri prodaji, se kupec zaveže plačati davek na promet nepremičnin v višini 2% od dogovorjene vrednosti.
(EN) In order to reduce the costs of the sale, the buyer undertakes to pay a real estate sales tax of 2% of the agreed value.
Zgodovinska Bornova Pristava – Investicijska priložnost! Na voljo je Bornova…
Turistični kompleks apartmajskih sob s kopalnico in dvostanovanjska hiša nedaleč…